To connect your computer to your Box, you must have your WiFi security key as well as the name of your network (SSID). You can find the WiFI security key in your myMT Customer Area, in the management interface or directly on the TV screen connected to your Box. To do this, go to your TV screen in SETTINGS/EQUIPMENT/WIFI.

If your installation includes several Boxes, be aware that each Box has its own network and WiFi signal independent of each other.

WiFi connection under Windows:

- Click on the WiFi icon in the taskbar next to the time.

- Choose your network name

Note: If no WiFi network is available, this means that your WiFi card is not activated or that the WiFi of your Box is not activated

- Enter your WiFi security key

WiFi connection under Mac:

1 - Click on the WiFi icon in the status bar then on “Activate WiFi”2

2 - Choose your network name

3 - Enter your WiFi security key and click "Join".

By default, the WiFi of your Monaco Telecom Box is activated.

To activate or deactivate wifi, two possibilities:

1. Activation directly from LaBox.

Simply hold down the WI-FI button (5sec) located at the top left on the front of your Box to activate or deactivate WiFi.

A simple short press on this button will display the status of your WiFi (active/inactive) on the front screen.

2.Activation from your Box interface

Open your internet browser and enter the following address:

On the home page and at the first connection you can connect either with

Login: (present under your box)

Password: (present under your box)

or press the WPS button on the front of your Box for 5 seconds then click “continue” on your browser page.

Click on the Wifi tab.

In the 2.4 GHZ part -> select “enable Wi-Fi network”

Then click “Apply”

If you want to activate 5 Ghz Wi-Fi

In the 5 GHZ part -> select “enable Wi-Fi network”

Then click “Apply”

You have 2 types of Wi-Fi networks at your disposal (2.4 GHz b/g/n and 5 GHz a/n/ac). These two networks have a common name: XXXX-abcd

These 2 networks can be configured and used independently. You can deactivate or activate your Wi-Fi networks at your convenience.

5GHz Wifi which is recommended for downloading, streaming and online games because it avoids, in fact, a lot of interference. So microwaves and cordless phones pose no problem unlike 2.4 GHz.

Regarding security, 5 GHz is often highlighted because its range is less than that of 2.4 GHz. So, a neighbor who receives your 2.4 GHz will not necessarily receive your 5 GHz. In addition, the majority of devices are not yet able to access these networks, so you are of course limiting the risks.

Finally, in terms of performance, 5 GHz networks generally have better performance and this is due to the available bandwidth, which is greater than a 2.4 GHz network because each channel benefits from a higher band (20Mhz per channel and 20Mhz full duplex, therefore 20 in each direction using 802.11n) which, for the 802.11n protocol, is an undeniable advantage for increasing its performance. Thus, it limits speed drops and offers you better bandwidth.

If you experience network coverage issues or degraded performance, we recommend using the 2.4 GHz network.

To display the WiFi network configuration page for your Box, connect to the interface of your box.

If you do not know how to connect to your box interface, see the article “access the BOX interface”.

Once connected, click on “Wifi”.

Wi-Fi hotspot

Enable Wi-Fi network:

Check or uncheck the box to enable or disable the Wi-Fi connection.

SSID broadcast:

By default, streaming is enabled. This allows all Wi-Fi users to see networks in order to connect to them.

Wireless network

Name (SSID):

Corresponds to the default name of your box's personal network. You can customize your network name if you wish.

Wi-Fi standard:

By default The BOX automatically manages the standards based on the hardware connected to the Wi-Fi access point.

However, for 2.4 GHz, this standard can be modified to b/g for certain equipment which cannot connect with the n standard.

Mode :

By default the mode is 20 MHz for 2.4 GHz and 80 MHz for 5 GHz.

In 2.4 GHz, the 40 MHz mode can preferably be used in an undisturbed and uncluttered environment.

In 5 GHz, it is recommended to stay in 40 MHz mode in order to take full advantage of Wi-Fi 802.11 a/n/ac


By default, the channel is Auto. It is recommended to let La BOX automatically manage the channels. If you regularly lose the Wi-Fi signal, you can use the Wi-Fi radar to determine which one seems best suited to your environment.

DFS Channels:

ATTENTION! Enabling DFS channels results in a longer connection time to the Wi-Fi network (approximately 1 minute). Some 5Ghz Wi-Fi clients are not compatible with these channels. Please refer to the instructions for your device.

Security options:

By default, the security of your Wi-Fi networks is WPA+WPA2, supported by the majority of Wi-Fi hardware. It is strongly recommended to maintain this level of encryption. However, you can modify the security type if your hardware requires it.

To fully benefit from 5 GHz ac Wi-Fi, it is recommended to favor the WPA2 system.

For security reasons, it is strongly recommended not to use the WEP system on 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi.

Security key :

By default the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz shared keys are identical. You can personalize them to your liking while respecting the number and type of characters allowed.

Please note: any changes concerning security (encryption and security key) must be reflected on all equipment connecting to the modem.


You can restore the default values ​​of your box's Wi-Fi networks.

This BOX administration page gives you the possibility to schedule the activation of Wi-Fi according to the days and time slots of your choice.

Green period = Wi-Fi enabled

This BOX administration page gives you the possibility to schedule the activation of Wi-Fi according to the days and time slots of your choice.

Green period = Wi-Fi enabled

Red period = Wi-Fi disabled

To display your Box's WiFi planning page, connect to your box's interface.

If you do not know how to connect to your box interface, see the article “access the BOX interface”.

Once connected, click on “Wifi”. Red period = Wi-Fi disabled

To display your Box's WiFi planning page, connect to your box's interface.

If you do not know how to connect to your box interface, see the article “access the BOX interface”.

Once connected, click on “Wifi”.

Then click on “Wi-Fi Schedule”.

To enable/disable the schedule, simply select yes/no then click “Apply” to save the changes.

To activate/deactivate the time slots, simply click on the corresponding box then click on “Apply” to save the changes.

The guest Wi-Fi network is a second network that you can make available to your visiting friends and family. This network is independent of the first and allows you to protect it with another password for example to avoid giving yours.

To display the guest wifi network configuration page for your Box, connect to the interface of your box.

If you do not know how to connect to your box interface, see the article “access the BOX interface”.

Once connected, click on “Wifi”.

Then click on “Guest Network”.

Why secure my WiFi?

When WiFi is activated, your network becomes visible to all people within the coverage area of ​​your Box. Your Box has a default WiFi key which allows you to secure your WiFi network. This key prevents unauthorized users from connecting to your Box. The more complicated the WIFI key, the more secure the network.

The name of your WiFi network (SSID), the format of the authentication key and the key (Wireless Key or WPA) are on the label placed under LaBOX.

If you modify these, do not forget to memorize the new information.

How do I choose my key?

For optimal security, Monaco Telecom recommends that you use a WiFi key containing numbers and letters, avoiding the use of existing words. Example: AF452CAB695E.


What to choose between WEP and WPA-PSK?

These are two different encryption protocols ensuring the security of your WiFi network. Monaco Telecom recommends that you switch to WPA-PSK encryption for optimal security;

Noticed :

For certain devices (game console, etc.), using the WPA protocol does not allow you to connect via WiFi. Some devices require a WEP key because they are not compatible with the WPA protocol. (Consult the instructions for your device).

To change the name of your network, you must connect to the management interface of your Box.

It is always better not to rename both networks (2.4 GHz and 5GHz) with the same name. For more information, see the article “2.4 GHz/5GHz WiFi Configuration”.

Open your internet browser and enter the following address:

On the home page and at first connection:

Login: (present under your box)

Password: (present under your box)

Click on the Wifi tab.

On the “SSID network name” line, replace the existing one with the one of your choice then click on “Apply”.

To maximize the performance of your wireless network, we invite you to follow the advice below.

Choose the location of your Box carefully

We recommend that you place your Box in a clear location and preferably up high. Your Box must be close to your computer to obtain better performance.

If your accommodation has several floors, we advise you to place your Box on the floor where it will be used most frequently.

What are the elements that disrupt WiFi?

Walls and partitions:

Materials such as concrete, metal obstacles, stones or even bricks can cause a reduction in performance on your wireless network.

Vos équipements :

The main elements that can create disruptions with your WiFi network are: Microwave in operation.

Presence of other wireless networks.

Presence of TV transmitter.

Therefore, it is strongly recommended not to place your Box next to other electronic equipment that also emits radio waves.

How to limit the impact of other WiFi networks?

If your home is surrounded by several homes, it is possible that the waves coming from your neighbors' WiFi networks may affect the performance of your WiFi network.

There is a solution consisting of changing your WiFi channel which can lead to an improvement in the performance of your wireless network.

To learn more about changing WiFi channels, click here

In your internet browser, enter the address of the LaBOX web interface:

Once on this page, you can log in using two methods, the first is to enter your username and password on the bottom of your Box.

The second is to press and hold the WPS button located on the front of your Box for 5 seconds then click on “continue” on your browser page.

Once connected to the interface, this is the page you arrive on:

For security reasons, Monaco Telecom advises you to change your connection password. If you want to change it, click OK on the pop-up that appears.

Once on this page, enter your login details and type your new password then click “apply”. Your password must be between 12 and 63 characters and at least one capital letter and one number or special character.

This functionality offered by LaBOX allows you to see which device is connected to your network, whether via Wifi or Ethernet, but also allows you to know the status of your telephone line or your network synchronization.

To view your network, connect to your box interface.

If you do not know how to connect to the interface of your box, consult the article “access the LaBOX interface”.

Once connected, click on “Network”.

Click on “my local network”.

You are on your network page.

What are the Monaco Telecom DNS server addresses and how to use them?

Primary DNS:

Secondary DNS:

This information can be used either directly at the router or at the network interface of your computer; DNS services make it possible to find and display website addresses.

Configuration of DNS addresses on LaBOX:

Connect to the LaBOX management interface, if you do not know how to connect, consult the article “access the La BOX administration”.


In the “WAN network configuration” sub-tab select “use the following DNS server address”.

Enter the primary and secondary DNS addresses. Then click “Apply” to save the changes.

The LAN IP page of the LaBOX administration allows you to configure your local network. The default DHCP and TCP/IP values ​​work for most users.

By default, LaBOX is set as a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server, which provides TCP/IP configuration for all computers connected to the gateway.

LAN IP address:

Enter the LAN IP address to assign to your IP gateway in decimal digits separated by dots (default setting:

Subnet mask:

The subnet mask defines the network number portion of an IP address. If you don't have a subnet, use as the subnet mask.

DHCP Server: Choose Yes to enable DHCP Server on your gateway and automatically assign IP addresses to computers on your local network. Choose No to manually assign IP addresses, or if another DHCP server is present on your network. Note: If you disable the DHCP server, you will need to reassign your PC to a static IP address to reconnect to the gateway and enable the DHCP server again.

Starting IP address:

This box specifies the first contiguous address in the IP address group. The default starting IP address is

Ending IP address:

This box specifies the last contiguous address in the IP address group. The default ending IP address is Lease duration: Specifies the duration of the allocated DHCP lease, this value is expressed in seconds. Its default value is 86400 seconds.

Click Apply when you are finished changing settings.

DHCP Reservation/Rental Info

You can configure the private LAN DHCP server reservation settings.

Enter the MAC address of the PC for which you want to reserve an IP address.

Enter the free IP address of the PC

Click Add.

To remove an IP address from the DHCP Reservations Info table:

Click the radio button corresponding to the entry to delete from the table

Click Delete.

You can see details about DHCP rentals in the DHCP Client Rental Info table.

Click the Clear DHCP Locations button and all IP addresses will become available.

NOTE: The IP address range from to is for internal use only.

LaBOX Monaco Telecom allows you to configure a DDNS service.

What is DYNDNS ?

With your Monaco Telecom Box, your IP address is dynamic, which means that it will change over time. To allow you to access your network remotely at any time (to your IP cameras for example) you must therefore set up a DynDNS service on your box.

This DynDNS service will simply redirect a domain name of your choice to your IP address. And if your IP address changes, it is your internet box which will automatically notify the DynDNS service of this change, so the DynDNs service will be aware of your IP address at all times.

On the internet there are a multitude of sites offering this service. Among the best known we can cite (formerly and All you need to do is create an account on one of these sites and then configure your DYNDNS service on your Box.

To display the DYNDNS configuration page of your Box, connect to the interface of your box.

If you do not know how to connect to the interface of your box, consult the article “access the LaBOX interface”.

Once connected, click on “Network”.

Then click on “DYNDNS”.

Fill in the fields using the information obtained by creating your account on the specialized DYNDNS sites, then click on “Apply”.

Yes, you will only have the free digital service and the media center (recording, external hard drive connection, etc.) But no internet and interactive services: TV Bouquets, program guide, VOD

The LaBox management interface allows you to control the status of your services but also to configure your Box according to your needs such as the name of your Wifi network (SSID) or its password.

The first thing is to check your connections and finally restart your Box.

If you do not notice any changes, please contact technical support.

Technical assistance

+377 99 66 33 00

You just need to check the presence of your “Wifi” network from your terminal, if it is not present in the list of WiFi networks then your network is deactivated.

We advise you to read the following article: > Activate and deactivate your Wifi

You can check your emails from anywhere in the world with a simple internet connection. To do this, simply connect to Webmail ( and identify yourself to access your mailbox.

In the event of an error, you can completely reset your Box by clicking on the “restore factory values” button on the home page of the LaBOX management interface. You also have the option to reset via the “Reset” button located on the back of LaBOX.

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9 Rue du Gabian - 98000 Monaco
Monday to friday 9am-6pm
Saturday 9am-5.30pm

Boutique Monte-Carlo

27 Bd des Moulins - 98000 Monaco
Monday to friday 10am-1pm /2pm-7pm

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